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Showing posts from July, 2017

Creating a Storyboard

There are many ways a writer can put together their story. I know for me, it begins with an idea. A What if? idea that processes through my brain. If a story forms, I take to a notebook and jot down the ideas. I write characters (names & descriptions), setting, and basic idea or summary of the story. After that, I begin to visualize scenes. That's when I know that this is becoming something more than an idea. I'm a visual writer, so that's when I move to the storyboard. What is a storyboard? I'll explain. When I think of a storyboard, I think of movies. Before shooting a film, storyboards are created to give guidelines for each scene. It helps the director get the right shots and stay on track. Same applies with writing. This formula will build your story and poke at any holes or character flaws. It's like visual outlining. So let's begin: First, I get a board. I like using a white board I can write notes on it, but you can use any kind of board - cha